Not long ago, mobile homes were seen only as an affordable housing option for those who couldn't afford stick homes. Fast forward a few decades later, and mobile homes are now appealing to different groups in society.
Few people are willing to pay seven figures for a mobile home these days, and the fact that people are willing to pay such high prices has opened up a niche market for luxury mobile homes. Unlike standard manufactured homes, luxury manufactured homes are designed, constructed and installed to appeal to a different class of buyers.
From ambitious business people to movie stars, luxury mobile homes are now mainstream, serving as both a home away from home and a permanent home.

However, it's not just the crazy rich who are eyeing these bastions of material goodness, even ordinary people are now stepping up to do their own thing, trying to get a little bit of luxury in the place they call home.
For some, it's a new DIY project, while others spend years slowly building their luxury mobile home from scratch.
Trends in luxury manufactured homes
While we don't think about luxury differently, it's still nice and inspiring to see what others are doing on the other side of the fence. From simplicity to luxury, let's take a look at how mobile homes can help people live in luxury.
Mobile Homes as Holiday Homes
Vacation homes are traditionally associated with wealthy people who can talk about having a place on a mountain or by a lake. However, mobile homes are now taking this particular luxury down to a more affordable level.
One of the challenges of owning a vacation home in exotic places is that those places are often off the beaten track. This made it difficult to transport all the building materials to the site. In addition to being inaccessible, these locations may offer poor weather protection, which can lead to the loss of expensive building materials.

Man-made homes are changing all that. The entire construction process takes place in a factory in a controlled environment, resulting in lower construction costs and less waste.
While the homeowner will still have to pay to get the home to its final location, it will be a one-time trip and may even be covered to some extent by the manufacturer.
With some manufacturers offering free shipping within a certain distance, manufactured family vacation homes are now an affordable luxury for many.
Luxury RV (RV)
For those who dream of living on the road and enjoying the expansive space without sacrificing the comforts of modern life, now is the perfect time to make that dream come true. According to, this trend is taking hold among those who have been working for a while and have savings and retirees.
This trend is transforming RVs from simple structures as we know them to giant mobile homes, as people turn them into fully functional homes that can be parked and driven away at any time.

These appropriately labeled "luxury motorhomes" are the size of a Greyhound bus and come complete with a kitchen, bedroom, lounge area, bathroom, and more. One of the most striking things about these homes is that there is plenty of room for everything and some even come with optional bars and fireplaces.
Some examples, such as Volkner Mobil Performance, even feature sports car parking spaces.
As you might expect, these mobile homes aren't cheap and are aimed primarily at wealthy people like movie stars, so they can be used as temporary shelters while the movie is being filmed.
Remodel/Extend Mobile Home
This trend is moving at a much slower pace, which may indicate that the technology being used is still being fine-tuned, but current examples, such as Will Smith's $2.5 million home (shown on HGTV), show how results can be amazing.

These mobile homes look like regular trailers, but once on site, the walls and roof are pushed outwards and upwards, respectively, expanding the living space inside the house. Due to this feature, these mobile homes have more space than regular trailers, and some, like the example above, even have two floors.
Everything in these high-priced homes is designed to accommodate this unique feature to prevent items from being crushed or tipped over when the home is deformed.
Compact mobile home
You might think a luxury mobile home is all about getting as much space as possible, but compact mobile homes are helping to change that perception. The problem with large luxury mobile homes is that their size means they can only be pulled or carried by something with a big, powerful engine.

These vehicles can be erected wherever they are. For luxury lovers looking for a low profile, compact mobile homes are the answer.
Some of these homes are small enough to be pulled by a regular car, and thanks to innovative design and technology, many of them have everything you could possibly want in a mansion on the go.
With multipurpose furniture and space-saving furniture and appliances, people are packing more items into these small spaces, ensuring they have all the comfort they need at all times.
location, location, location
Luxury isn't always about the home itself. A million dollar house without a lot of views, not the kind of luxury you want. That's why people spend a lot of money to secure their mobile home a place in some of the most luxurious places in the world.

More Luxurious Mobile Home Ideas
We all want a little luxury in life, even if it's just one thing that makes your home feel richer. You might think it's not easy to achieve this in a mobile home, but depending on whether you're buying a new mobile home or already living in a mobile home, there's a lot you can do to improve the quality of life in your mobile home.
1:resume outdoor activities
Luxury isn't just about what's in the house. Many times, what's outside the house can dramatically change the way you enjoy life at home. There are several ways to reclaim space outside your home.
2:Install larger windows: Large windows are a great way to enjoy the outdoors without leaving the house. When you have a particularly scenic setting, it's a shame to use small windows to block all the beauty out. Consider installing larger windows or even glass walls to allow you to enjoy the view from your home.
3:Expand your home: This is both a great way to resume outdoor activities and a great way to expand the living space in your home. A simple covered porch where people can sit and relax on a hot summer day is one way to increase floor space by pushing outward and focusing on the space outside your home.
Roof Terrace: You won't find a roof terrace even in some luxury prefab homes, and it's not just a way to enjoy the outdoors. The roof terrace adds character to the house, and when you've been relaxing there, it's hard not to feel like you're living in luxury.

Smart homes don’t just feel luxurious, they feel downright futuristic. Being able to control all manner of things inside your house from a single central location or even when you’re nowhere near the house is an amazing experience. When you do it correctly, it may even turn out to be a money saver.
Smart Locks: Your sister from out of state arrives unannounced and she’s at your house. Unfortunately, you’re still in the office or elsewhere and won’t be back for some time. Smart locks can enable you to unlock your doors remotely so you can allow someone entry to your home even when you’re not around.
1:Smart Lights: Smart lights can turn on or off depending on specific settings and some even have motion sensors that automatically turn them on when movement is detected in a room. Instead of banging into every piece of furniture in the room or stepping on toys your kids forgot to put away, smart lights will turn on when you walk into a room and even turn off when you leave. The latter feature can be an energy saver if you have kids who keep leaving the lights on.
2:Automation: Imagine being able to change the look, shape and lighting in your home by only pressing a button. It may seem like something from a sci-fi movie but all this is happening in the world today. Many homeowners are now automating functions that were traditionally done by hand. Opening and closing shades, deploying/opening hidden storage compartments, deploying hidden furniture etc.; these are just a few examples of how automation can make your house look cool while also relieving you of cumbersome tasks.

A good internet connection is important when you want to make your home smart. With good Wi-Fi, you can easily use features such as smart locks, remote monitoring systems, smart entertainment systems etc. throughout your home.
Lighting is one of the most luxurious solutions you can invest in. Although your house may not look like much, you may be greatly surprised by just how much the right lighting solutions can change how your mobile house looks and feels.
1:Natural lighting: If your mobile house is located in a place that receives plenty of natural light, you’ll want to take advantage of that. Although large windows may be enough to bring in more light, these may not always work if there are buildings or tall features nearby and this may not be the solution you want to go for if the view outside the windows leaves a lot to be desired. Even so, there are still at least two ways that you can allow that luxurious sunshine into your house. For starters, you can put in a skylight. A well-positioned skylight will ensure you get all the sun you need for a brighter home.

The second solution is to put in clerestory windows. These are the windows that are above the eye-level (according to Wikipedia) and usually just below the ceiling. These windows don’t just make your house look luxurious, they are also good for lighting and ventilation.
1:Artificial lighting: Sometimes your house will look okay during the day but not as impressive at night. The first thing you must ensure is that you get the right bulbs (in terms of hue) to bring out the best in every room. Another approach is to buy extravagant light fixtures such as chandeliers. These over-the-top lighting solutions are a must have for many luxury prefab homeowners especially when it comes to pendant lamps.
A high ceiling is yet another way of adding some luxury to your manufactured home. One of the reasons why a manufactured home may not feel so luxurious is that the standard roof is usually not as high as it could be.
Low roofs aren’t just cheap, they are also easier to transport. However, nothing stops you from going for the high roof while designing the house or even if you’ve been living in it for a few years. A high ceiling adds space and makes your house feel freer.
The extra space is also useful because it can allow you to add a loft or clerestory windows. The extra vertical space also makes pendant lamps and chandeliers much more impressive to look at.
The quality and type of materials you choose for your home can add or take away from your luxury experience. Even a well-designed house will not feel as nice as it could if the materials used look or feel cheap.

It’s quite normal to go for less expensive materials at the beginning but as time progresses, you may want to slowly switch out the less expensive stuff for something that will look and feel better. A few areas in your home that could benefit from a change of materials include:
Floors: You can start out with vinyl and bring in the hardwood floors or tiles when your finances are in a better state.
Side walls: For the walls, you can choose to either put in a completely different material or you could simply choose a better color.
Countertops: If you spend much of your time in the kitchen, good countertops can really make the place look and feel better. A material such as granite is more durable and is also good for showing off.
Furniture: Leather upholstery or even using better quality cloth can turn your cheap sofa into an oasis of luxury that you can’t wait to relax in at the end of the day. It will also change how your lounge looks.
Spending a little extra to get the additional features that can be added to your house during manufacturing can yield a completely different result in terms of how the house looks and feels.

Although the extras may not be necessary, especially when you’re on a budget, when you want a little extra luxury, you should definitely give one or two a shot. Even if these extras aren’t in the original design, talk to your manufacturer to see if they can be added to the home. Extras that you can think about include:
● Fireplaces
● Bars
● Heated Floors
● Vaulted ceilings
● Crown molding
Mobile houses and luxury weren’t always thought of as compatible ideas but times have since changed. Even the wealthier individuals around have found it difficult to resist the allure of mobile houses and this has started the niche of luxury manufactured homes.
These houses come in all shapes and sizes and many are even permanently on wheels, allowing the owners to take their homes with them wherever they need to be.

While some are using these mobile houses as a home away from home, others have even made them their permanent residences, taking advantage of mobile home communities in unique locations to enjoy a better quality of life.
However, luxury isn’t just for the top-earners and now even regular mobile home owners can add that extra bit of luxury to their mobile houses.
By building houses that make the most of beautiful surroundings, taking advantage of innovations in smart home technology, using beautiful lighting solutions and more luxurious materials, there is plenty of luxury for everyone to enjoy. You can even go for one or two extras so luxury can be a world you come home to every day.
It’s quite normal to go for less expensive materials at the beginning but as time progresses, you may want to slowly switch out the less expensive stuff for something that will look and feel better. A few areas in your home that could benefit from a change of materials include:
● Floors: You can start out with vinyl and bring in the hardwood floors or tiles when your finances are in a better state.
● Side walls: For the walls, you can choose to either put in a completely different material or you could simply choose a better color.
● Countertops: If you spend much of your time in the kitchen, good countertops can really make the place look and feel better. A material such as granite is more durable and is also good for showing off.
● Furniture: Leather upholstery or even using better quality cloth can turn your cheap sofa into an oasis of luxury that you can’t wait to relax in at the end of the day. It will also change how your lounge looks.
Spending a little extra to get the additional features that can be added to your house during manufacturing can yield a completely different result in terms of how the house looks and feels.

Although the extras may not be necessary, especially when you’re on a budget, when you want a little extra luxury, you should definitely give one or two a shot. Even if these extras aren’t in the original design, talk to your manufacturer to see if they can be added to the home. Extras that you can think about include:
● Fireplaces
● Bars
● Heated Floors
● Vaulted ceilings
● Crown molding
Mobile houses and luxury weren’t always thought of as compatible ideas but times have since changed. Even the wealthier individuals around have found it difficult to resist the allure of mobile houses and this has started the niche of luxury manufactured homes.
These houses come in all shapes and sizes and many are even permanently on wheels, allowing the owners to take their homes with them wherever they need to be.

While some are using these mobile houses as a home away from home, others have even made them their permanent residences, taking advantage of mobile home communities in unique locations to enjoy a better quality of life.
However, luxury isn’t just for the top-earners and now even regular mobile home owners can add that extra bit of luxury to their mobile houses.
By building houses that make the most of beautiful surroundings, taking advantage of innovations in smart home technology, using beautiful lighting solutions and more luxurious materials, there is plenty of luxury for everyone to enjoy. You can even go for one or two extras so luxury can be a world you come home to every day.